For the description of any kind of material system (MS), either abiotic, biotic or artificial, the objectual philosophy proposes an universal model. In chapter 3, we have seen who is the model of an object, and in chapter 9, we shall minutely define what the model of a class of objects really means. For the time being, it is enough to assert that the model of a class of objects is made-up from the common component of the attribute model set of all the objects which belong to that particular class. If the model attributes which define a class of objects are associated to the specific attributes, a class instance1 may be obtained, that is a particular object which belongs to that class. In case of the material systems, the class model settles the common properties of all the elements which make-up the class of the material objects.
As in the case of other notions, we shall use the word “material” with the dictionary meaning, until its redefinition after the introduction of the MS model, and mostly of a special type of MS - information processing system (IPS). This general model of MS must fulfill a specific number of requirements, couple of them being worth mentioning:
Explanation of the causes of the natural formation and destruction of MS;
Explanation of MS’s lifespan;
Clear separation between the MS and the abstract system notions;
Explanation of the interactions occurred between MS and of the causes of these interactions;
Explanation of the origin of the MS’s inner energy and of the energy from the fields released by these MS.
1 Term borrowed from the objects-oriented programming languages, because it has almost the same semantic value as the one intended by the objectual philosophy.
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