Only two types of material systems were indicated (both the state systems and the bio-systems are obviously material systems) which clearly shows an inner structure based on amount of fluxes, but the examples may continue with the family systems (the element-systems of the human society, but also of other sexual-based animal communities), the economic systems (from the handicraftsmen up to the transnational companies). All the above-mentioned material systems are either individual bio-systems, or systems made-up from bio-systems, or artificial systems built by the bio-systems.
All these systems have some common features (specific attributes):
Existence of some fluxes stored in an inner spatial domain, separated (isolated) by the outer domain through a RBS. These fluxes are the vital inner fluxes;
Existence of some coherent interchange fluxes (import/export) through this RBS, by means of which the systems either are filling their own inner stocks (import fluxes), or are contributing to the completion of the stocks of other external systems (export fluxes);
The amount of the inner stocks determines the system’s lifespan, its life ceasing when any of this vital fluxes will have been depleting their resources;
The individual lifespan of the associated systems may be increased (moreover, under unfavorable external conditions and lack of resources) by means of a mutual supply of the fluxes required for the completion of the inner stocks.
As we are about to see in chapter 9, the common attributes of a set of objects make-up the model of that particular objects class; in case of the above-mentioned systems, the common attributes from the points a and b define a generic model, that is the model of the fluxes triad, model which may describe the operation of any of the above-mentioned material systems, ranging from the individual cellular bio-systems up to the most complex systems made-up from bio-systems or by the bio-systems. The same question as in chapter 1 may be phrased:
If a model is valid for a very wide31 domain of the current knowledge regarding the material systems, why would it not be valid outside this domain, namely for the abiotic material systems?
Well, this was the starting point for the elaboration of the general material system model: the model of the fluxes triad.
31 From couple of micrometers, as the dimension of the spatial size grade of a procaryote cell up to the planetary sizes of the world socio-economic system.
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