Objectual Philosophy

9.4 System

9.4.1 Current definitions

According to The Dictionary of General Mathematics77, etimologically speaking, the word system originates from two Greek words: syn - together and istemi - to arrange. Then, we shall excerpt from other few dictionaries some of the most relevant definitions of this notion:

The Explanatory Dictionary of The Romanian Language78:

The Technical Dictionary79:

The Physics Dictionary80:

The Logics Dictionary81:

77 *** - Dic�ionar de Matematici Generale - Editura Enciclopedic� Rom�n�, Bucure�ti 1974.

78 *** - Dic�ionarul Explicativ al Limbii Rom�ne - Editura Univers Enciclopedic, Bucure�ti 1996.

79 Dic�ionar de Termeni Tehnici - Editura Tehnic�, Bucure�ti 1972.

80 *** - Dic�ionar de Fizic� - Editura Enciclopedic� Rom�n�, Bucure�ti 1972.

81 Gheorghe Enescu - Dic�ionar de Logic� - Editura �tiin�ific� �i Enciclopedic�, Bucure�ti 1985.

82 First type of classification relations (inclusion) was also used in chapter 1 of the paper herein, for NAMS classification.

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