We have seen in the previous chapter that any object which is external to an IPS, object which emits or reflects fluxes meant to be perceived by IPS, is validated by IPS as an existent one at the moment of perception.
Definition 9.1.1: Any external object which is validated as existent at the present moment of the perceiving IPS is considered as a real object for this IPS.
Comment 9.1.1: The validation of an object’s presence at a specific spatial position can be done only by an IPS. At the “present” time of perception tk (time which is also defined in the same IPS), the external object is associated to an internal ISS - that is the internal representation of the external object. Other ISS associations will follow afterwards, which are either representations of the same object (but at a subsequent “present” time) or of other objects, but ISS associated to an object at the tk moment does not represent a real object any longer, because it is already stored into IPS memory (it belongs to the past). According to our terminology, we might say that an ISS associated to the perceiving real object is a representation of the state of the existing external object. We have already discussed in the previous chapter about the present interval required to IPS in order to define the processes (because a process needs a temporal interval for its unfolding). We might say that the succession of the states specific to a real object makes-up a real process. But the temporal states and moments associated to an object which is declared as real, is internal ISS, specific to a certain type of IPS, and if that IPS is singular, all of these will be valid only for it. In the previous chapter, we have noticed that the principle of the objects existence implies that the object which is considered as existent, to emit perceivable fluxes or to reflect them (to withstand against the intrusion of the external fluxes). The reader is invited to remember a fact which is quite frequent in the people’s world, namely, the checking of his own existence in circumstances in which he is put in doubt by the brain, such as the transition from the dream to the wake state. In such circumstances, for checking if the dream keeps going or what is happening is a real process, any human being palpates himself or the surrounding objects. But, these activities are nothing else but materiality (reality) tests carried out on our own body or on the surrounding objects, which certifies that, under successful conditions, either our epidermis (our own RBS) or the surrounding objects (with their own RBS) are not permeable to the flux of the moving fingers. Besides the confirmation of our own materiality, as well as of the materiality of the surrounding objects, this test also confirm the existence of the information processing processes deployed in our brain, therefore, of the conscious state (wake state) Cogito ergo sum, don’t you think so? (#)
According to the theoretical models upheld in this paper, the class of the real objects is formed entirely from material objects defined in accordance to the class model of the material systems (3F model). The union of all the real objects perceived by a certain IPS as having a simultaneous and permanent existence in a certain period of time, together with the union of all the real processes to which they are subjected to, makes-up the direct (synonym - concrete) individual reality existent at that present interval for that particular IPS.
If more identical IPS exist, which perceive the same real objects and processes, and these IPS are able to communicate externally their perceptions (internal representations), then, the objects and processes which are jointly perceived by IPS set shall make-up the direct collective reality of IPS group.
According as the communication means between IPS have an access range which exceeds the direct perception domain of an IPS, each IPS shall be able to access informations (obviously, external ones) about the existence of some objects and processes assumed to be real, which have been perceived by other IPS placed at long distances and collected (stored) for long periods of time. The union of these representations of objects and processes assumed to have a permanent and simultaneous existence shall make-up the known reality of the IPS group (society). This known reality is therefore made-up from the material objects and processes about which reliable data are found, taken either from its own IPS information stockpile (long-term memory), or from the community’s access data base (books, magazines and other broadcast mass-media or external information storage media).
Comment 9.1.2: Now it is time to make the reader aware that the information which is taken into account in case of the different reality categories must meet a basic condition: to be true. While as regards the truth value of the information acquired during the perception process of the direct individual reality, there are few reasons of doubt (only concerning the illusions which can be avoided due to a proper education and experience level), as for the known reality, there are little chances that the entire information amount to be true.
As we have aforementioned, the known reality is an information union on the objects and processes which are presumed as permanently real by a certain IPS community (such as the community of brains existing in a specific human society at a given moment). Because this IPS set is able to perceive only the information received through the currently perceptible fluxes (this category also consisting in the fluxes perceived through artificial conversion means of the fluxes unable to be directly perceived), there are certainly material objects and processes unable to be perceived yet by this community, therefore, there is no information about the existence of these objects and processes. This means that, besides the elements of the known reality, there are also a lot of material objects and processes belonging to a potentially concrete reality, but yet unknown. The union of all these known and unknown objects, but which are presumed as having a simultaneous existence in the entire infinite space, makes-up the absolute reality.
Comment 9.13: This abstract object called absolute reality may be somehow found in other philosophies, but under the name of objective reality. We did not use this name because the concepts of object and its fluxions are reserved words according to the objectual philosophy, which are meant for other utilization. On the other hand, the meaning assigned in this paper to the term absolute implies either a null or infinite information, attributes of the virtual objects which alongside the absolute reality belong to the same class.
This absolute reality obviously contains an infinite information amount, which cannot be owned and processed by no IPS, either it is natural (biotic) or artificial, unless this IPS has an infinite-performing character.
Comment 9.1.4: Such examples of some infinite-performing IPS conceived by people for ages are the deities which form the basis of the past or current religions. These deities are all-knowing, they know all about any person, creature and thing on the planet, at any moment from their existence; they have created the stars, planets and other astronomical bodies, people and all the plants, animals, therefore, all of these objects and creatures initially existed as a project (concepts, abstract objects) in the mind of these deities. The reader may decide by his own if this kind of infinite-performing systems are materially realizable.
The absolute reality is a virtual object towards which any type of cognition asymptotically tends to, including the human cognition, but which can never be reached. This virtual object is however useful for another global definition of the information concept, the absolute reality being the base for a dichotomous classification, of defining a complementarity (see the annex X.5), namely, between the cognition (determination, information existence) regarding the known segment of the absolute reality and non-cognition (non-determination, lack of information), such a wide but yet unknown field of the absolute reality. The absolute reality at a certain moment includes the total amount of the states of the material objects and of their related processes, found at that moment in the infinite spatial domain, independent from our cognition. Moreover, the objectual philosophy asserts that:
AXIOM VII (axiom of the unique reality): The absolute reality made-up from the total information about the material systems and processes to which they are subjected to, which have a simultaneous existence into the infinite Euclidean space, is unique and independent from any IPS.
Comment 9.1.5: As we have previously mentioned, very small but constantly growing domains from this absolute reality become accessible to our cognition, making-up the true known reality. We certainly know that in the range of abiotic MS, there are the terrestrial natural media (solids, liquids, gases), we know most of their macro and microscopic properties and we know how to build artificial objects by using them. We also know that beside our planet, there are other planets in our solar system, we saw them at close distance by means of the spatial probes and we are now finding that there are also planets around other stars. We also know that there are galaxies and systems made-up from galaxies which are spread up to the limit of our observable universe. In the field of biotic MS, we have certain knowledge regarding their structure by starting with the prokaryotic cells and ending with the biggest plants and animals. We know that all the bio-systems are based on the genetic code contained in the DNA molecule. These are only few benchmarks from the much more wider field of the known reality which is true and accessible to people nowadays. All these certain knowledge are obtained based on the fact that these particular systems are accessible to a great number of people, either directly, through our sensory perception systems, or indirectly, through auxiliary means (microscopes, telescopes etc.) which were constantly checked proving that they are reliable. The doubts regarding the true about some data from the currently known reality occur when those data refer to the material systems which are inaccessible to the direct or instrumental observation, either due to too small sizes for the current instruments, or due to the environment conditions which do not allow the existence of any instrument (that is the case of the internal media of AB), or because of too long distances. In such circumstances, the lack of real information is compensated by synthetic, hypothetic information “manufactured” by theorists, based on some mathematic models. However, a mathematic model is an abstract object placed in the external or internal memory of an IPS, and as any other abstract object generated as a result of an information processing system, it is not compulsory to be materially realizable, namely, to exist a correspondent MS. The neutral hydrogen atoms from our universe which can be found at a specific moment, considered as components of the absolute reality, have the same structure and spectral lines of emission/absorption for several billion years, without even care that the people have released at least tens of mathematic models for them over the years. In other words, despite of the different models, the structure and the internal processes from all the hydrogen atoms are unique, regardless of the human cognition. This oneness which is valid for a group of MS can be extrapolated to the set of all MS which make-up the absolute reality. As we have mentioned in chapter 1, regardless of the reality models imposed at a specific moment by some interest groups, the material systems which are beyond the limits of human cognition continue to live on, just as the galaxies, electrons or photons which existed back since our ancestors times, but nobody told them that (#).
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