First of all, an explanation on the title of this section is required. Beside the natural MS, there are also the artificial MS, whose components are the natural MS (which comply with the laws in question), but which are regulated by additional rules beside the formation laws of the natural MS, in order to achieve the functionality of the artificial system. These types of artificial MS are not self-composed depending on the medium conditions (they can be self-decomposed though), but they are composed by a material system which owns an IPS. However, in case of the natural MS, the objectual philosophy proposes an invariant set of rules, coming from a series of experimental facts described by the technical-scientific literature, rules which establish both the formation conditions (synthesis, composition) of MS and also their destruction (decay) conditions.
A MS may be formed (synthesized, born, made-up) under specific conditions of the environment57 which are favorable to this formation, and it can be destroyed (decomposed, dismembered, pulled apart) under unfavorable state conditions of the same environment. Favorable conditions for the system formation means unfavorable conditions for the singular elements (from which the system may arise). Unfavorable environment conditions for the singular elements means a low density of necessary fluxes (offer) found within the medium, so that the outer traflux achieved through RBS is not able to cover the element’s flux demand. Therefore, the favorable conditions for the material system formation are characterized by a flux density of the environment which is lower than the offer of flux provided by an element with which an association is possible, and the density of elements which may be associated in the area of the system formation exceeds the threshold required for this formation (so that the probability of the elements interaction to be higher enough). Unfavorable conditions for the system’s formation means a flux density within the environment which is higher than the flux offer of an associated element.
Comment 7.8.1: In order to show the validity of this law, only two examples will be given, one from the field of abiotic MS and one from the biotic field. Example 1 - The material systems belonging to AT class are able to create, by means of association with an extremely large number of elements, distributed systems, which in this paper are named natural media (NM). In their turn, these NM make-up large spheroidal aggregates which are the astronomical bodies (AB) - stars, planets, large satellites etc. Based on the knowledge level reached so far, we know that within this AB is a non-even radial distribution of the pressure and temperature, distribution which starts at very low values (the ones reached at the upper limit of the AB atmosphere), but which reaches very high values in the centre of AB. Since the pressure and temperature are attributes which depend on the flux density of some energy fluxes, the higher their values, the unfavorable are the formation conditions of MS made-up from atoms. At certain depths, the melting (destruction of the crystalline systems) of the surface solid NM is initiated, together with the atomic dissociation (ionization with the occurrence of the electric conductibility), and in the center of very large AB (such as the stars), the medium’s energy flux density is that high so that even the atomic kernels are decomposed. Therefore, the high outer flux inputs of the environment encourage the existence of the singular elements (non-associated), whereas the deficit (lack) of energy flux encourages the association of elements within systems. Due to these reasons, at the periphery of the AB, where the flux density is low, the non-dissociated atoms are linked one another, by making-up the non-dissociated S and L-type media. Within these peripheral media (more exactly in L-type media) a generation of biotic systems has occurred (also as a result of conditions which were favorable to their development). Example 2 - The unicellular animal Dictyostelium discoideium, an eukaryote which lives in the moist forest ground as a motile cell also known as amoeba who is feeding with bacteria and fungus, has a division cycle of several hours, under food abundance conditions. When the food resources are low, the division is blocked and the organisms are associated in worm-shaped structures with about 1..2 mm in length, made-up from about 105 specimens. Each structure behaves totally different as compared to the free amoebae: it is extremely sensitive to light and heat and migrates towards these sources (in other words, it turns into account any available energy source). During the migration, the cells are differentiated by producing an organism which resembles (in terms of shape) with a plant (also known as fruiting body). This new organism contains a large amount of spores which are able to live in hostile environment conditions for long periods of time. The spore cells are covered by a protective cellulose layer and afterwards, all the organism’s cells, except the spores, are dying. The spores germinate, if only favorable conditions for the amoeba58 existence occur again into the external medium.
The material system is made-up in order to achieve at least a partial coverage of the flux demand of its elements, by providing in this way the fulfillment of the flux demand under better conditions than before the system’s formation, by means of a mutual flux supply (import/export recirculation) between its elements.
Comment 7.8.2 For a better apprehension of this law, the most appropriate examples are taken from the field of MS which release fluxes with opposite “charge” attributes (which produce the so-called charge interactions). For this type of MS, there are repulsive interactions (the formation of a new system is excluded) deployed between the systems which release the same flux type (they have the same charge), this formation being possible only between the systems which release fluxes with opposite attributes (with attractive interactions). The attractive interaction is based even on the fact that the element which releases (offer) a flux, let us say, a positive one, needs to be supplied (demand) by a negative flux. There are also two examples in this case, an abiotic and a biotic one. Example 1 - A classic case of a system made-up from MS with opposite-charge fluxes is the hydrogen atom, which is neuter as regards the electric flux (charge zero) for the outer systems. This fact means that the proton’s electric flux (positive) and the electron’s electric flux (negative) are entirely recirculated between the two elements, this recirculation process taking place in a volume with a spatial size grade of few Van der Waals rays of H2 molecule. Example 2 - Another case of charge interactions is the one produced between the sexual bio-systems (obviously from the same species). In this case, we are also dealing with two elements types (male and female) which provide fluxes with opposite attributes against their flux demand. However, the structure of these fluxes is much more complex than the abiotic MS structure, most of them being information fluxes, therefore, the interactions deployed between the elements are mostly informational ones. The female element needs masculine hormones, spermatozoids, and protection against the external aggressions, both for her and mostly, for her offsprings, by providing, in exchange, successors and some services to the male. In this case, the charge attributes are (in most of the circumstances) quasi-null for the outside of the system (family), therefore, a full inner recirculation of the charge fluxes takes place.
The system’s global flux demand, from its outer space, shall be always less than the sum of the individual flux demand of its elements.
Comment 7.8.3: The difference between the system’s global flux demand and the sum of the individual flux demand of its elements which will build-up the system, but prior the system formation, it is represented by the inner recirculated fluxes, fluxes which are exchanged between the elements on mutual basis and which remain stored inside the system until the moment of its destruction. A particular aspect of this law was already presented in the comment made on Law II, that is the case of the hydrogen atom, at which the outer electric flux demand is null, even because of the total inner recirculation of these fluxes between the two constitutive complementary EP.
If an element of a MS receives from the outside fluxes which are more intense than the re-circulated fluxes, the element leaves the system.
Comment 7.8.4: One of the most simple examples for illustrating this law is the photo-electric effect which consists in the emission of a peripheral electron of an atom as a result of the impact between that electron and a photon with a higher energy than the electron’s bonding energy (that is the system’s partly dissociation). The same result (dissociation) also occurs at the family systems or at other forms of inter-human association at the moment when a more favorable offer appears, which is able to surpass the constraints (that is the equivalent of the bonding energy) generated by the old agreement. Another visible consequence of this law is the increasing tendency of the number of solitary individuals into the communities with a high standard of living, due to the fact that the outer flux offer (with its value equivalent-income) exceeds the current needs of those individuals, and even provides sufficient resources for growing-up their children as solitary individuals (not engaged in a family bond).
The interaction (flux exchange) between the MS elements (in case that this interaction exists) is always bilateral (it may be decomposed in couples), regardless of the number of elements which are included within the system (that is why we are dealing with a systemic set of elements).
Comment 7.8.5: The underlining from the above adjuvant text (written with normal fonts) within The Law 5 is meant to emphasize that where an interaction takes place (on the set of all the elements belonging to a CS and on the set of the neighbouring elements in case of a DS), those particular interactions always occur between two elements. As for the contributions brought by the two participants, in case of the abiotic MS and in case of the energy fluxes, they are equal and with opposite-directions (action and reaction), or otherwise speaking, the export flux of an element towards its partner is equal to the import flux coming from the related partner. In this case, we may say that the interaction is equitable, that is a situation which may be unconditionally applied to the entire generation of abiotic MS.
Any system made-up from material systems is MS (in other words, the materiality of a system is inherited from the lower structural levels (its elements) and is transmitted to the upper structural levels).
Comment 7.8.6: By analyzing the general MS model and as we are about to see in the following chapter, we have noticed that the materiality of a system is proved (certified) by the presence of a RBS which has the property of deflecting (to reflect) fluxes and by the presence of the emergent fluxes from this RBS. When we have talked about RBS of a specific MS, we have seen that this object (RBS) is made-up from RBS fractions which belong to the elements of that particular MS, and its emergent fluxes are also made-up from the emergent and non-recirculated fluxes between MS elements. In other words, if the MS’s elements would not have their own RBS, the existence of a global RBS of MS would not be possible either, and if the same elements would not have emergent fluxes, neither the global emergent fluxes of MS would be able to exist.
57 The environment of a MSK (considered both as a reference for the analytic organization level and as a spatial reference for its proximity) is made-up from the set of MS which may be found at a specific moment into a limited space in the proximity of MSK, with equal or different organization levels as compared to the one of MSK, that is a set which may interact with MSK.
58 B.Alberts, D.Bray, J.Lewis, M.Raff, K.Roberts, J.D.Watson – Molecular Biology of the Cell
William H. Telfer, Donald Kennedy – Biologia organismelor, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, 1986
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