Objectual Philosophy

7.6.3 Relation between the flux type and the contained energy form

The current technical-scientific literature deals with a lot of “energy forms”, forms which, according to the objectual philosophy, are associated either with various types of existing material systems which contain energy (such as EP, AT, MO, missiles, AB etc.), or with various types of individual motion deployed by these MS (translation, rotation, vibration etc.), or with the collective motion types which are specific to the objects (coherent or stochastic fluxes), or with the fluxes produced by these objects (their fields), or with the spatial zone where the energy of a MS is stored (inner energy), so on.

We shall further present some of the relations between the flux types (according to the terminology used in this paper) and the associated energy form from the current terminology, not before making some specifications on some of additional fluxes denominations. In the chapter focused on fluxes, we have seen what are the coherent and stochastic fluxes, displacement or propagation fluxes, closed or open fluxes or the flux with invariant (isotome) or variable effective section, but we still need to introduce some new terms concerning the temporal distribution of fluxes.

If the flux attributes (flux type, direction, intensity) remain invariant during a given interval of time, we may say that the flux is permanent or with a continuous existence (with an even mean temporal distribution) in that interval. If there is a flux characterized by the simultaneous co-existence of a permanent stochastic and a permanent coherent component, we shall call it permanent coherent/stochastic flux. If the flux attributes are periodically changed (either as a flux type or as direction and intensity) we shall be dealing with an alternative or periodical flux. For example, a flux which alternatively changes its type from coherent into stochastic and vice versa shall be referred to as alternative coherent/stochastic flux.

Here are few concrete examples of flux types and their associated energy forms:

Comment The reader has probably noticed that there was no specification on the thermal energy, which energy still belongs to the potential energy category, and that is because the objectual philosophy model for this “energy form” is much more different than the model used in the current thermodynamics. The thermal energy shall be approached in annex X.24.

After this foray through the most notorious types of material fluxes, each of them having a specific associated “energy form”, this would make easier the understanding of the reason for making a generalization adopted by the objectual philosophy and expressed by means of the following principle:

Principle of the energies unification: Any form of energy existence have a motion of the material systems (material flux) as its material support.

Comment This principle must be understood by taking into account the systemic organization principle, described in chapter 1, which means that for any form of energy known so far, a related organization level of NAMS (in analytic sense) can be found, so that the particular MS to be the carriers of that energy form.

50 Here, the “coherent” attribute refers to the motion coherency and not to the photon’s frequency coherency.

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