The transfer processes of the fluxes through real surfaces are much more complex than the transfer through the theoretical surfaces. A mathematic model of these processes may be conceived, as I have mentioned above, by taking into consideration the real surface of a medium as a zone (space) placed between two parallel theoretical surfaces, at such distance, so that all the dynamic transfer processes to be able to occur in the interval between them.
We shall take into
account the medium M1 placed
inside the system which have RBS, with an inner volume V1.
The real surface which limits V1 is
considered to be composed from two theoretical surfaces
which are parallel at the distance d, with the normal lines nI
and nE (figure displays only
a small fraction from RBS, so that we may assume that the two virtual
surfaces are plane and orthogonal on the figure plane).
Volume VT
(transition space of the real surface) shall be placed between
these surfaces, with its sizes imposed by the distance d and
with the mean statistic attributes which are gradually variable, so
that the parameters of the external medium ME
to be found on the surface
and the parameters of the internal medium M1
to be found on the surface
This construction shall be the reference against which an interior
of the system (volume V1) and an exterior
(volume VE) shall be defined. Through this
RBS, the fluxes exchange between the medium M1 and the
outer medium shall occur. For the description of these fluxes, a
notation scheme with two indexes x and y (Fxy)
shall be displayed, thus:
x may take one of the following values: I (interior) or E (exterior);
y may take one of the following values: I (incident), R (reflected) or T (transmitted).
We shall have therefore six types of
fluxes Fxy (FII,
FET) and two normal lines nx
(nI and nE
assumed to be collinear) on the two virtual surfaces. The
sign convention (and accordingly, the normal lines direction) has the
following configuration: for each of the media ME
or M1, there are positive fluxes
which have the direction of that normal line (in other words, in
case of the external medium, the fluxes with nE
direction are positive because these fluxes lead to a stock increase
in this medium, similarly with M1). One may
notice that the surface
may be considered as the theoretical surface of the medium ME,
therefore, the positive fluxes through this surface generate a stock
increase in ME, as well as
which may be considered as a theoretical surface for M1,
with the same sign convention.
Although the fluxes are distributions, due to simplicity and clarity reasons, they have been displayed through a single vector which represents the entire vector distribution on the effective flux section (the displayed vector is therefore the resultant vector of this distribution, more exactly, it is the resultant vector of the flux’s coherent component along that particular direction). Under these conditions, the six possible fluxes are:
FEI, incident external flux (with the denomination used in this paper that is external influx);
FER, reflected external flux (with the denomination used in this paper that is external reflux);
FET, transmitted external flux (immergent flux, import, afflux, with the denomination used in this paper that is external traflux);
FII , incident internal flux (internal influx);
FIR , reflected internal flux (internal reflux);
FIT, transmitted internal flux (emergent flux, export, efflux, with the denomination used in this paper that is inner traflux).
The incident external fluxes (outer influxes), FEI, shall enter into the transition space VT and they will be subjected to the de(composition) processes. A part of these fluxes will traverse volume VT by leaving its source medium and will penetrate the medium M1 (outer traflux FET), the rest of the flux being reflected (outer reflux FER) and remaining into the source medium. One may notice that there are two types of incident fluxes - internal or external - according to their origin coming from the inner or the outer medium. The transfer processes for the inner incident fluxes are absolutely similar, only the indexes being different.
The six main fluxes which occur on the RBS of a MS may be also divided in two components each:
Normal component (with the normal line direction nE or nI );
Tangential component (according to tE or tI included in the two tangent planes).
Each component shall be associated to a coherent flux towards a particular direction. Finally, the mathematic model of the flux transfer through RBS of a MS shall therefore include twelve fluxes for each type of flux from the panoply of k fluxes of a certain MS.
It is worth mentioning that this decomposition and re-composition of fluxes take place in the entire volume VT , being actually a vector fields composition - the fields which represent the incident fluxes and the fields which represent the reaction fluxes of the medium inside the transition space.
The total amount of k types of different qualitative fluxes, incident from the outside on a RBS belonging to a MS, makes-up the external influxes set, which shall be noted with FEI, (the set of all the open fluxes which are outside of the system, crossing the spatial domain occupied by the system). After the contact of these fluxes with RBS, other two sets of fluxes are generated - the set of the external refluxes {FER}, and the set of the external trafluxes {FET}. Another triad of the fluxes set shall be developed on the inner side of RBS: {FII}, set of the inner influxes, {FIR}, set of the inner refluxes and {FIT}, set of the inner trafluxes (towards outside of MS).
The set
the set of the fluxes efferent to MS. The fluxes which
compose this set would not be able to exist if MS with its RBS
would not exist. Due to this reason, these fluxes are a basic
indicator of MS existence (at its spatial location),
respectively of its materiality, as we are about to see in chapter 8.
Comment As for the fluxes reflected by a MS, various comments on its origin (source) may be made; indeed, a radiant flux such as an electromagnetic wave released by the aerial of a radar has clearly its source in this aerial (more precisely, in the radiator from focus of the aerial), but we might say that the beam which is reflected by an object (target) has the source in that object, because that flux comes from out there. If the reflecting object with its RBS would not have existed at that location, a reflected wave would not have existed either. Therefore, we may assert that if the radar aerial is the source of the incident flux on the target surface, the target itself is the source of the reflected flux.
Unlike the refluxes, which are not able to exist unless some influxes are present, the fluxes {FIT} coming from inside the system can exist for a limited period of time even in the absence of the input fluxes, but only until the depletion of the fluxes which are stored inside (of the flux resources). This duration, which depends on the amount of the inner k-type flux stock, is called a relative life span related to the k-type flux of the system (see also the annex X.16).
Definition The spatial-temporal distribution deployed outside a MS, of FDV for the k-type flux from the set of the efferent fluxes {FEF} of MS is called k-type field of MS.
We may note that a MS generates so many field types, as many flux types are coming from its interior, or as many are reflected by its surface. Since these are open (active) fluxes, they can produce actions on other external MS, as we are about to see in a future section of this paper.
Comment Not only the inner trafluxes of a MS are field generators, but also the outer refluxes. When we see the light reflected by a body, we are able to capture part of this photonic field generated through the reflection on object’s RBS, of a photon flux released from the source. The major difference between the two fields is mentioned above: the reflected field exist only in the presence of an incident flux, whereas the field generated by an inner traflux is able to exist without any external contribution, and the most important fact, coming from the inside, is that it carries to the outside, information about the inner state of the releasing MS, information which are for those who know how to interpret it.
The efferent fluxes from a MS are carriers of some properties of MS where they come from (source MS) and they can be used as a information support for the systems able to intercept and process these fluxes - information processing systems - which shall be described in the following chapter.
Comment For example, in case of the bio-systems belonging to the class of herbivorous mammals (but not only) there is an emergent molecular flux running through the epidermis pores - perspiration - that is a flux which is spread in the air as a result of the vaporization of the water from its composition. The concentration of these molecules which are dispersed in the support air, depends on the direction of the air motions and on the distance towards the issuing animal, the spatial-temporal distribution of this concentration making-up the odorous field of that animal. The chemical composition of this flux is perceived by the olfactory organs of the nearby animals, mostly by the carnivorous animals, for which the herbivorous animals are the main food source. This composition depends on the inner processes deployed by the issuing animal, therefore, it releases to the outside information about the age, health condition, current “psychic” state (fear, aggressiveness) of the source, which are essential information for predatories in order to choose their next victim. The perception of the odorous field of animals is for the carnivorous animals the main source of remote information regarding the nearby presence of a potential prey, and the sight sense is used only at a short range (for guiding the hunting process). Due also to this reason, (so that their presence cannot be traced), some carnivorous animals (such as the canines, felines) have reduced to the lowest level their own odour flux by blocking the involuntary perspiration (through the skin), this process being mainly produced through the oral cavity (voluntary).
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