The material systems may be divided in two major classes according to the distribution type of an attribute which is common to all MS - that is the interactions intensity between the possible system’s couples. These MS classes are:
Systems with an uneven distribution of the above-mentioned attribute, by means of a privileged system (central system) whose interaction’s intensity with other elements involved in the system is much more powerful than the interaction’s intensity of the other elements; these systems are also called centralized systems (CS).
Systems with an even distribution of the mean value of the bilateral interaction intensity on the set of MS involved in the system, which are called distributed systems (DS), according to the current nomenclature.
The two MS classes are also differentiated according to another attribute - that is the mean working radius of the bilateral interactions. In case of DS, the working radius of the interactive fluxes is extended only up to the elements in the proximity of the reference element, whereas in case of CS, the central element has a working radius so that it is able to comprise all the other elements involved in CS.
The distributed systems with a large number of elements, in which a propagation process may occur, are called media.
The temporal distribution of the interaction’s intensity and the type of relations between the possible motions of the elements belonging to the distributed systems generate the existence of three basic media classes: S, L and G.
The maintenance conditions of the media allow their classification in self-maintained media (SA media) and forced maintenance media (the rest of the media).
The media with a permanent interaction deployed between their elements have a proper bounding surface (and obviously a proper volume) as compared to the other surrounding media.
The limited working radius of the interactions between DS elements makes that the local variations of the intensity reached by these interactions to be transmitted into the rest of the medium only by means of propagation, namely, through the transmission (transfer) from one element to another.
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