Objectual Philosophy

6.3 Centralized and distributed systems

After reviewing the classes of abiotic MS from the list from the paragr.1.1, by considering the current knowledge level of the structure and of their properties, we shall notice the existence of two major categories:

  1. Systems with a relatively low number of elements, made-up from a subsystem placed in the system’s central zone and many other satellite elements which are kept bound by the powerful interaction with the central subsystem;

  2. Systems with a very large number of elements, made-up from systems with a similar organization level, where the interactions occur only between the proximity neighbors, these interactions having almost the same size grade of the intensity.

From the point of view of the interaction intensity distribution on the set of the possible elements couple of the system, the systems from point a are characterized by an increased unevenness of this distribution. In this case, the interaction intensity with the central subsystem is much more powerful than the intensity of the interaction deployed between the satellite elements. This fact makes that the effect of this central interaction to occur on all the system’s elements (working radius of the central element is extended on all the MS elements). The systems which belong to this type of organization are called systems with central organization, in short, centralized systems (CS). AT or PS systems are included (according to the list from par. 1.1), among others, in this category.

As for the systems from the point b, it is important that the interaction intensity to have the same size grade on all its elements (the mean value of this intensity per element has a saturation trend) and the fact that the working radius of this interaction is limited only at the proximity neighbors. Paradoxically, it is even this limited working radius the one which allows the non-limited increase of these types of MS by “attaching” new elements at the system’s boundaries, so that these systems to be able to have an extremely large number of elements, and accordingly, extremely high spatial dimensions. The systems with this kind of organization are named distributed systems (DS).

Comment 6.3.1: The “distributed systems” denomination is allowed in the objectual philosophy field due to the utilization of this term into the scientific papers. In accordance to the paper herein, any material system has a distribution of properties (including the ones with a central organization), so that it is “distributed” anyway. Objectually speaking, the correct term for the distributed systems would be systems with an even distribution of the mean interaction intensity.

If the number of elements which are allowed to enter into a distributed system is that high so that the system’s parameters can be statistically estimated (the laws of large numbers are valid) and propagation processes may occur (which shall be approached later on), this kind of distributed system is called medium. For example, NM systems belong to this category. This type of material system (DS) hosts many type of fluxes, mostly of the propagation ones, that is the reason why we are continuing with DS classification.

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