As for the flux’s systemic model, we must use the specific concepts of this approach, as the definition 5.2.1 also states, we shall be dealing with a realizable spatial objects distribution, and these processes are subjected to a collective and specific motion process. According to the objectual philosophy, the motion of an object means the motion of its inner object’s reference system, against an outer object’s reference (that is because the inner reference system of the object represents the object within its external relations). Any object is also decomposable up to the level of an elementary object, the element of primary realizable distribution, with a DP support, and according to the systemic theory, this last object being meant to replace the virtual point from the classic mathematic model.
The virtual point (dimensionless) from 3D space characteristic for the classic approach, which had to be “surrounded” by a volume element, becomes the inner T reference of an elementary 3D object with an invariant dV volume, at which the inner R reference is associated, and this is made-up (in a Cartesian-type RS) from three length elements dx, dy, dz, with the directions X, Y, Z which are orthogonal one another. For the real fluxes of some cumulative attributes, the most suitable selection of the inner T reference position is the central one, that is in the middle of the intervals dx, dy, dz, which is a position associated to the circumstances described in the current specialized references, with the “surrounding” of the T reference point.
Comment As it is minutely presented in annex X.3, the definition mode of the elementary objects is one of the major differences between the objectual philosophy and the classic mathematics or physics. If according to the classic approach, the volume, area or length element is the result of a process (at limit) of a gradual decrease towards zero of these elements, according to the objectual approach (by means of realizable distributions) the elementary object may be obtained by meeting a simple condition that the distribution of the dependent attribute to be considered as uniform (even for the most uneven areas of the distribution from which the element belongs to) on its inner domain. It is true that the gradual decrease towards zero fulfills the condition of the uniform distribution, but this method (of extreme abstraction) has many inconveniences which are coming from the fact that the informational restrictions imposed by the realizability of both of the abstract processes and of IPS which runs these processes are not taken into account. The gradual decrease towards zero of the elementary interval cannot be used any longer when the distribution support is a segment of the natural numbers set. Besides the issue concerning the size of the elementary objects, another main difference in the specific approach of this paper consists in the compulsory presence, for each object, even elementary one, of an inner reference system, that is a system which represents the object in its external relations.
During the motion process, the relations deployed by an object involved in the flux both with the external reference and with its neighbors (the objects from its nearby proximity) are very important. If the spatial relations between the flux’s objects remain invariant, the object as a whole will move as a solid body; if the relations are only partly or non-invariant, the motion will be a fluid-type one, as we are about to see next. Thus, a new and coherent way for the classification of the media types seems to occur, depending on the RS spatial component which is variable during the motion process, classification which shall be depicted in the following chapter.
Under the systemic flux model, the elementary flux represents the motion of an elementary object against the outer reference. The main condition which must be fulfilled by any object is the invariance of its model properties during its entire existence period; therefore, the object’s motion means the simultaneous motion of all its properties. Reciprocally, any motion of a property, namely of its flux, means the motion of some material objects to whom that particular attribute belongs to. In other words, there cannot be a flux of an amount without the existence of its material support (see annex X.13 for the difference between the concepts of material support and abstract support).
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