According to the objectual philosophy, a container is an ensemble of virtual, abstract realizable or real boundaries, which confine an internal domain reserved to an object. Based on the type of the contained object, we shall have:
Virtual containers, which contain inside them virtual objects. For example, the virtual object the set of the real numbers from mathematics or subsets of this set. This object is “packed” (contained, confined) in a virtual container symbolized by the two brackets {}, which include a symbol (such as Z, N, R, etc.) which is specific for one or more common properties of the constitutive elements, infinite in terms of number. In this case (the most generic), the brackets are symbols without any other semantic value than the one of separator of an internal domain, which can be empty, such as for instance the case of the void set , where only the virtual internal domain has remained from the set object, which is reserved by the two boundaries. In case that the set has one or more properties which are common to all the contained elements, the contrast between the existence of this property within the container’s internal domain and its absence in the rest of the “universe”, becomes a property associated to that particular container. The virtual containers may contain infinite domains (such as the case of the set of numbers which were mentioned above {Z}, {N}, {R} etc.
Abstract realizable containers, applicable for instance, in case of the set object, but this time with a finite and determined number of elements, which are all abstract realizable objects (contained by the finite ISS). For example, the set of the letters from an alphabet, the set of the numbers from a list, etc. Since we are talking about sets, the symbols for the boundaries are also the brackets with associated semantic values, as in case of the virtual containers. For certain sets of abstract objects, with finite numbers of elements which are positionally arranged based on one or more dimensions, at which the position assigned to an element into the internal domain is invariant (for instance, the matrix), there will be corresponding symbols for the boundaries of the container, others than the brackets (for example, ). The category of the symbols for denoting the boundaries of the abstract realizable containers also includes the separating characters from the natural written language (break space, comma, dot, brackets etc.) which have the role to define the internal domain of a number, word, collocation, sentence, phrase etc.
Real (material) containers which define the inside of a real (material) object. Based on the generic model of the material system proposed by the present paper, the result is that a real container is made-up from a real bounding surface (RBS), either it is natural or artificial. This type of container is minutely described in chapter 7, which is focused on the natural RBS.
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