We have seen in chapter 3 that an object means a distribution of at least one property on a support domain, an invariant distribution, evaluated against an internal reference system. For making a differentiation between two or more objects with a simultaneous existence, those objects must be distinguished through at least one differential attribute (see the conditions 3.1.a…d from the section 3.1). We have also noticed that a realizable point means a truncated numerical value (which in this paper is named a normal value), and a virtual point is considered as an AAV. Since it is perceived like an elementary object (a distribution element), the realizable point has a finite interval (non determination, uncertainty, error interval) as its support domain, on which its existential attribute is evenly distributed, and the virtual point has a single AAV from the set {R} with its existential attribute, namely a Dirac-type virtual distribution, with a null no determination interval.
Fig. X.
The figure X. shows a graphical
plotting of the two cases, the axis X being the
representation for the axis of the real numbers {R}. According to
this representation, xV corresponds to a
singular virtual value (a Dirac-type distribution with an internal
reference in AAV xV), while xR1
and xR2, each with a non determination
corresponding to two realizable values. We are reminding you that the
amount of
is given by the following relation:
that is identical with X., where
the amount of a finite interval belonging to the axis X and ΔN
is the number of singular distinct values from this interval. The
which is equivalent to a density (as we saw in section X.3.1.1.)
represents the number of the singular values on the axis unit
interval, number which is always finite in case of the realizable set
If we are returning
to the values xR1 and xR2
from the figure X., they represent, as we already said it, two
normal values, even distributions of the existential attribute on the
support range
with internal references which are also AAV, but this time, they are
realizable by means of a special truncation convention.
Because any interval must be defined as an amount, due to its two
known boundaries, in case of the singular realizable values, the no
determination interval is given either by the difference between two
such successive normal values, in this case
or by a value imposed for the number
According to the above-mentioned issues, xV
correspond to a virtual point, and
to a realizable point with a central internal reference.
Comment X. Now, it is time for us to give an explanation to an evident contradiction occurred as a result of introducing the term of realizable AAV. This means that throughout this paper, we shall put the accent on the dichotomy between the abstract realizable and virtual objects and now, we are talking about realizable virtual objects. Well, there is no contradiction, but only a special truncation convention, which allows that the representation to be done only for certain numerical values, of an endless series of digits, by using several special syntax rules. In mathematics, it is well-known the notation rule applied for the decimal numbers with groups of digits which are identically repeated from a certain position after the decimal separator (the so-called decimal periods). For example, 1/3=0,(3), where the group of digits (which in this case is made-up from a single digit) from the brackets is the period. This notation means that the group placed in brackets is endlessly repeated. Other examples: 1/6=0,1(6); 1/11=0,(09); 1/13=0,(076923) and many others. This notation agreement shows a special case: when the decimal period is exclusively made-up from zeros, there are no notations any longer (for instance, 1,(0)=1; 1/4=0,25(0)=0,25 etc.). The numerical values obtained as a result of this latter representation convention shall be named relative accurate values (RAV) because they depend on a truncation convention (of the zeros series). Therefore, if we have an AAV which consists of a finite number of digits followed by an infinite series of zero digits, the renunciation to that infinite zero series makes the representation to be realizable. But, it is only a representation convention, which has to be taken into account - the value from {R} which corresponds to that truncated value contains an infinity of digits (of zeros). For example, this is how the things work in case of the integers; if we would display them accurately as regards the information, as fragments of the set {R} at unit intervals, after their each numerical representation, the decimal separator should follow and it must be followed by an infinite series of zeros. The mutual agreement of representing only the digits which are different from zero placed in front of the decimal separator remains however a truncation form.
Let us return to the point model from the figure X. according to the version of the realizable point. In this case, we are also dealing with a known singular value - the internal reference xRk – which is associated to the non determination interval , but this time, the value xRk is a RAV (as we have aforementioned, a special type of AAV which can be represented through the renunciation to an infinite series of zero digits).
The internal
reference value of the realizable point may take various positions in
the internal domain
, but three of them are the most notorious ones: the extreme left,
the extreme right and the central positions. The figure X.
shows the version with the central reference, and in this case, the
is divided in two sub-domains which are equal on both sides of the
reference. The lower boundary of the domain shall be placed at
the upper one at
and by using the notation for the open intervals from the
mathematics, this domain may be written as
In case of the left or right references, we shall use the notation
for semi closed intervals which is very convenient in case of the
concatenation of the realizable points. By considering the version of
the extreme left reference, the support interval may be written as
and the extreme right version may be written as
In case of the realizable point object, as we have already mentioned in chapter 2, the objectual philosophy states a special name, that is the dimensional point (DP). In case of an one-dimensional domain (1D) of a qualitative attribute X, the model of this abstract object may be defined as:
Internal domain, truncation
interval (no determination, uncertainty)
associated to an AAV xR from the set {R},
that is an interval where no other intermediate value can be found
and where the existential attribute of DP is evenly distributed;
The internal reference of the DP object is that AAV, as a result of the truncation process, which has become a RAV with a finite number of digits;
The object’s boundaries are the two values: xu (the upper boundary) and xl (the lower boundary) with values obtained by means of specific relations which depend on the agreement settled upon the internal reference position, which were aforementioned.
By using the literal mathematic syntax for the semi closed intervals of numerical values, the object DP 1D may be displayed according to the version of the extreme left reference, as follows:
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