So far, we have discussed about the perturbation occurred on the state of a bound EP, generated by a photonic flux. Let us imagine that a complete atom which has all its model elements, which means that it is not even partly dissociated (ionized) is neuter in terms of electricity, that is, its outer electric field is null (practically ranging from few Van der Waals radii to infinity). This mean that from electrical p.o.v., two neuter atoms do not interact at all if they are placed at a certain distance over that limit, and if we let aside the gravitational interaction, the two atoms may be considered as isolated. Since they are isolated, by assuming that they have an initial kinetic energy and with all the freedom degrees, it must exist a barrier which has to turn them away when they reach it (a RBS), having the role to keep them in a specific volume, and this is the way how the two atoms will make-up a G system. Besides the interaction with the maintenance barrier (which will be momentarily let aside), there is a probability different from zero that the two atoms to intersect their pathways, which means to collide one another. Well, this collision is the moment we were waiting for!
With all the apologies for the boring and finical approach, we have to minutely analyze this collision process of two neuter atoms, and you will see that the outcome of this review worths all the efforts. Due to simplicity reasons, we may assume that the two atoms are identical and belong to an inert gas (namely, they do not make-up molecular systems as a result of collision), that the velocity before the collision is equal and with opposite directions, and that we are dealing with an axial collision. As we said before, until the moment when the neuter atoms reach to a distance of several Van der Waals radii (about 10-5 m), their interaction is insignificant, but once they are close to this distance, the electric field (residual) of the electrons from the composition of the external layers of both atoms starts to manifest. But, it is too late, the two atoms with their kinetic translation energy (as regards the collision, these are the only ones which matters) have been already intersecting their bounding surfaces made-up exclusively from the fluxes of the electrons belonging to the external layers. This inter-penetration of the two electronic media takes place until the initial kinetic coherent flux (impulse) of the atoms is totally converted into a stochastic flux (compression flux, without the component T) of the elements belonging to the two atoms, and this is the moment when the two atoms remain perplexed (#) and motionless, and then, the stochastic fluxes stored in the two atoms shall be turned into kinetic (coherent) fluxes, the two atoms moving along opposite directions as compared to the initial ones. But, my dear reader, the forced penetration of the two electronic media means a real disaster for the above-mentioned synchronism of EP placed on the fundamental orbitals, each electron which is involved in collision must absorb a part of the atomic kinetic flux. After the collision is completed, each of these disturbed electrons will release a photon in order to return to the fundamental state; and because the share of EF received by each of them is not the same, the released photons will have different frequency and emission directions. Therefore, in case of a collision between two atoms, even if it is “perfectly elastic”, as it is considered the collision between two atoms of inert gas, besides the kinetic fluxes involved in collision, there are also two “bouquets” of different photons (released by both atoms).
Well, according to the objectual philosophy, these photons make-up the class of thermal photons, that is a type of atomic photons produced rather by means of “mechanic” excitation than by means of photonic excitation, as a result of collision, vibration processes, generally, after a relative motion of an atom against its neighbours, with consequences on the state of the peripheral electronic medium of the atoms, or of the systems made-up from atoms, processes which lead to the mutual perturbation of the state of electrons which are located on the external layers of the atoms.
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