Through its models, objects and specific fundamental processes, the objectual philosophy upholds the Newton model of the corpuscular photon and moreover, of the photons as material systems which deploy a weak interaction between them. Obviously, a coherent explanation is also required for the “wave” aspect of the photonic behaviour, but this explanation141 is in this case similar for all the types of MS (electrons, protons, neutrons, photons etc.) which are all characterized by the interference and diffraction phenomena Consequently, according to the objectual philosophy, the long-debated corpuscle/wave dualism from the official physics does not exist any longer.
Due to the specific principles and axioms, the objectual philosophy does not uphold the purely probabilistic model (of the probability waves), promoted by Schrödinger model, but it states a determinisim and a very close inter-correlation between the fluxes generated by the particles from the atom’s structure, interrelation which is mandatory for developing a constructive interaction.
The orbitals-based structure of the bi-particle systems (made-up from EP with complementary charges) and of the systems made-up from this kind of elements (atomic kernels, atoms, molecules etc.) makes that an external energy flux which is incident on one of the constitutive EP, to be able to disturb the synchronism characteristic to the fundamental state, state in which that particular MS is electrically neuter in the external space. As a result of the action exerted by the external flux, an absorption transition (temporary storage) takes place, followed by an emission transition (returning, reflection), processes through which, the couple of excited EP emits a photon with surplus energy and it returns to the fundamental state.
The disturbing incident flux of the fundamental state’s synchronism can be any type of energy flux (photon, impulse of an EP or moving atom etc.) but the flux which is reflected (re-emitted) shall be always made-up from a photon (for each couple of excited EP), and from a kinetic flux (overall motion) of the EP system.
The fact that the intensity variation of the direct interaction between the neuter atoms (collision, vibration, compression etc.) leads also to the photons emission is the main cause of the thermal phenomena deployed within NM. The continuous (but uneven) distribution of the parameters specific to this variations makes that the energy’ frequency distribution of the released thermal photons to be continuous and uneven.
The fact that the effective cross section of the photons (including the thermal ones) is extremely low, allows them to propagate through the interstitial space between the atoms of an atomic or molecular medium.
The multiple absorption processes, temporary storage, re-emission, to which all the thermal photons are subjected during the interactions with the atomic medium, makes that the heat transmission (the evenness process of the flux density of the internal photonic medium) to be deployed very slowly, although the thermal photons are propagated into the interstitial space with a velocity close to c.
141 Explanation which is not yet sufficiently elaborated and which will be the topic of another paper or annex.
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