For the perception of the external states, the animal organisms have the following sensory cell distributions109:
Visual {Ev}, made-up from {Evl} (left) and {Evr} (right), defined against the internal RS of the organism (OG), each with an internal spatial (retinal) RS which divides each distribution in four sections, up, down, left, right, sections which are required for the differential control of the opposite pairs of muscles which perform the movement of eyes, head or torso.
Tactile {Ep}, made-up from {Epl} and {Epr}, defined against the internal spatial RS of the OG;
Auditory {Ea}, made-up from {Eal}and {Ear}, defined against the internal RS of the OG;
Thermal {Et} , made-up from {Etl} and {Etr}, defined against an internal RS of the OG;
External nociceptive {En} (pain), made-up from {Enl} and {Enr}, defined against an internal RS of the OG;
Gustatory {Eg};
Olfactory {Eo}, made-up from {Eol} and {Eor}, defined against the internal RS of the OG;
Pheromonal (vomero-nasal) {Ef} similarly divided as the olfactory ones into {Efl} and (Efr};
There are other sensory cell distributions for the perception of the internal states:
Kinaesthetic {Ik}, made-up from {Ikm} (sensors of the contraction degree of the muscular fibre and {Ikt} (effort sensors of the muscular fibre), each of these distributions being divided in the two sections: left, right;
Vestibular {Ie} made-up from three distributions{Iex}, {Iey} and {Iez} arranged in three mutually perpendicular planes, which control the muscular system for keeping the equilibrium of OG against the gravity field (vertical position);
Internal nociceptive {In} ;
Prurit’s sensors {Ip} (itching, the sensation which triggers the reflex act of scratching);
{Iv} for the nausea sensation (which triggers the reflex act of vomiting);
{Ig} generic distribution, with many structures, each of them in charge with a distinct basic mental state (fear, anger, joy, pleasure etc.).
109 We are mainly talking about the superior animals (mammals class), to which the humans also belong to, because in the first place we are interested in the human cognitive processes. The sensory cell distributions may be found at all the evolved animal species, but they can be much different than the ones applicable to mammals.
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