Objectual Philosophy

9.0 Conclusions

This chapter was focused on similar IPS, such as the neuronal NIPS of the bio-systems, and AIPS belonging to the class of the ordinary computers. The same class of IPS also include the control systems (both biotic and artificial), with the same basic components, but with more simple functions. As for the general IPS class, we can retain:

  1. The information processing systems are a special class of MS, able to operate with another special class of MS - the information support systems (ISS).

  2. ISS are an invariant spatial distribution of MS which emit or divert (reflect) a certain type of flux (attribute) detectable by IPS, distribution whose configuration (distribution type) is named syntactic value (or syntactic information).

  3. Each distinguishable syntactic value of the internal ISS of IPS is related to a spatial distribution of the properties of IPS external fluxes which are also incident on it (flux type, frequency, intensity, source position etc.), distribution which is called associated external information (semantic value) of that ISS. The syntactic value of the internal ISS to which that semantic value is associated constitutes the internal representation of the semantic value.

  4. The union of the syntactic value with the semantic one, associated to a specific ISS, both of them being invariant, makes-up its associated total information.

  5. All IPS have a general model (IPS class model) which consists of the following sub-systems:

  1. input units;

  2. output units;

  3. information processing units;

  4. internal communication system;

  5. organized set of ISS;

  6. second level energy supply units.

  1. The information processing means an alteration (change, modification) process of the ISS structure, according to internal rules specific to each type of IPS, so that the basic functions of this system to be achieved. The collection of these rules is named syntax.

  2. As for the external relations NIPS of the advanced bio-systems, their basic functions are: the perception and validation of the simultaneous existence of the external objects, perception and evaluation of the attribute variations specific to these objects (the existence of the real processes), and the short-term prediction of the evolution manifested by these processes.

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