Objectual Philosophy

8.7 Information support systems

As we have seen in the definition 8.3.5 and in the axiom IV, the information, as an invariant collection of properties of the surrounding objects which are owned (stored) by an IPS, cannot exist without some support material objects (so as no distribution can exist in the absence of its abstract support). During this stage of the information support analysis, we must admit that any material system is an information support (for an IPS able to receive it), but it is a support for its natural information: structure (form), external position, mass, types of released fluxes etc. However, if it is necessary that the support system to contain (to include, store) a certain information, this MS cannot be made-up only by the rules of the natural formation of the abiotic material systems (with a strictly energetic formation criteria), but by also additional rules which are added to the fundamental laws of natural abiotic MS (similar to the case of artificial MS).

In the previous sections, we have seen that for achieving the perception of an object’s property by an IPS, that particular property must be transmissible, which means that it must have a temporary support along a specific open, material flux, efferent to the source object, and this flux type must be included into the IPS’s perception range. In case of an IPS which detects that property, the efferent flux from the object represents the material support of the perceived attribute, that is ISS, along the path between object and RBS of IPS. At the impact of the flux with the section of IPS specialized in capturing this flux type (input unit), a conversion external flux - internal flux of inner ISS deployed on a fraction from the incident flux is about to take place.

We must settle right from the start that ISS can have various forms. Based on their location against RBS of IPS, considered as a reference, we might have:

  1. Internal ISS, which may exist and circulate as fluxes only inside RBS of IPS;

  2. External ISS, which may be found outside IPS65, their associated information being accessible to IPS only through its input units.

According to the processual class of objects (defined in paragr.4.3) which makes-up the information’s material support, there are the following types, which are given below:

  1. ISS belonging to class S0, with a spatial structure and a defined and invariant structure (characteristic mostly for the ISS of the information stored into IPS memory, but also for external storage ISS);

  2. ISS belonging to classes Sk, which are processual objects with defined and invariant spatial velocity (in case of a certain type of propagation/displacement medium), characteristic for the information fluxes (both external and internal ones).

An ISS belonging to the class S0 is a specialized material system, initially made-up in the phase of ISS without associated information (erased, unrecorded, unwritten), from an even and invariant spatial distribution of MS which release or reflect a certain type of flux, this flux being accessible either to the information processing unit or to a certain perception system (input unit) belonging to an IPS (in case of the external ISS). According to the version with associated information (written, recorded), the distribution of the efferent fluxes is uneven (there are contrast elements), the written information consisting even in the structure (spatial distribution) of these irregularities. As any other realizable distribution, there must be some elements of this distribution (elementary ISS). The basic element of an ISS is an object with a null internal differential information (contrast), for example a pixel. This means we are dealing with an even inner distribution of a transmissible attribute. The main condition, as we are about to see later on, which is required to this structure of recorded ISS is that it must be invariant during the entire period of information storage (due to this reason, the information’s support material systems stored into the memory must belong to the class S0).

A specific structure of the contrast elements within a specific ISS is perceived by IPS as a distinct object (with all the object’s attributes - internal range, distributed attribute, distribution type, internal reference and moment of existence). This structure information of ISS is related to the external information which has generated the formation of that particular structure into the input unit of IPS.

Definition 8.7.1: The external information associated by IPS to a defined and invariant structure of an internal ISS is referred to as semantic information (synonym - semantic value) of that structure.

This external information consists of the total amount of the attributes of the external fluxes perceived by the input units of IPS from the source object. Because each external perceptible property is related to a distinct property of an internal ISS (made by the sensory organ specialized in receiving that property), this means that the properties of these ISS (with a simultaneous existence for the same external object which is perceived) are an internal representation (a conformable representation) of the external object.

Definition 8.7.2: The internal ISS, associated to a specific external semantic value is the representation of that semantic value into the internal medium of IPS.

The information processing systems are also S-type MS, which means that they have a RBS and an internal invariant structure. The integrity of this system is based on the fact that RBS allow the inner access only to the fluxes which are necessary in order to maintain their functions. If the external systems have a restricted access inside IPS, it might however exist some internal representations of these systems, mostly of the “interesting” ones (in case of the bio-systems), namely of those which present a potential danger or are useful (such as food, for instance) for the host systems.

Otherwise speaking, the total amount of the internal representations (of the internal ISS with associated external information) is a global representation of the external reality for a specific IPS. Each state of the material systems found outside IPS and perceived by this system shall be related to a specific state (structure, configuration) of the internal corresponding ISS.

Definition 8.7.3: The information contained into the structure attributes of an ISS is named syntactic information (synonym - syntactic value) of this structure.

For example, an 8 bits binary word has 256 different syntactic values, values which correspond to the same number of combination possibilities (spatial structure) of two symbols (0 and 1), arranged in groups of eight. According to a convention, this kind of syntactic value is related to a semantic value: a digital value, an alphanumeric character, a color, an operation type performed by the processor etc. Another example could be taken from the text-editors field in which a certain character from the alphabet owns lots of syntactic versions, such as font, size, bold, italics, underline, color etc. but the semantic value is unchanged and it is related to the same character. For understanding the definition 8.7.3, it is important that IPS to be able to accurately distinguish each of these structures, in other words, to separate two different syntactic values, because only in this way the separation of their associated semantic values would be possible.

The internal configuration of an ISS is not random, being the result of the application of some composition rules of the elements belonging to these specialized MS.

Definition 8.7.4: The total amount of rules which establish the possible structures of a specific ISS class is named syntax of that particular class.

If we take into consideration the same example from ISS domain used within AIPS, the 8 bits word is structured according to very precise rules:

After all the aspects which were presented so far, the result is that there is a dependence relation between the syntactic information of an ISS and its semantic information, in other words, there is a set of assignment relations between the set of the possible structures of an ISS class and the set of its associated semantic values. However, according to the terminology of the objectual philosophy, we have seen (in chapter 2) that this kind of set of assignment relations is named distribution.

Definition 8.7.5: The distribution of semantic values on the support set of the syntactic values of an ISS class is named language.

Comment 8.7.1: Despite its simplicity, the definition 8.7.5 is applicable for any kind of language and it even suggests the existence of more language levels, due to the simple fact that each ISS class would be associated with a certain language type. According to the brief classifications of the ISS classes which were previously made, we are finding that two major language categories must exist - the internal and external ones - corresponding to the aforementioned internal and external ISS classes. In case of ISS which are placed outside the human body, for example for the visual-literal ISS of the natural written language, an external language would be associated (it is normal because the natural language is used for the external information communication fluxes). In case of this language, the distribution of the semantic values on the set of syntactic values is not provided by an invariant relation (as it is in case of the functions), but by a very large number of individual relations which you may find, for instance, in the explanatory dictionary of that particular language, and by a set of modification rules of these semantic values depending on the modifications allowed to be made on ISS structure (grammar rules). First, it is started with a steady and quite reduced number of elementary ISS, with a distinct syntactic value (characters of the written language: letters, digits and punctuation marks etc.) for which there is a single assignment relation between the semantic and syntactic value, assignment which does not depend on context. The association (composition) of these elements into compound objects with a strict order but a variable length (words), then, of the words into more complex structures (collocations, clauses, compound sentences, etc.) shall lead to numerous possible syntactic values which would be related to the semantic values by means of relations which are specific to each language. We may also consider as external languages (in the human society) the natural spoken language, body language, behavior language etc., each syntactic value (phoneme series, set of movements made by specific body parts or by the face muscles) being related to defined and invariant semantic values specific for a particular social group or specific to a certain population. More surprisingly (and probably a controversy generator) is the idea of a mandatory existence of some internal languages which represent the distribution of semantic values (information external to IPS) on the set of syntactic values of the internal ISS. If this is an unquestionable fact in case of AIPS, the internal language being achieved by the designers of the processor and of the other programmable sub-units, as regards the biotic IPS, the existence of this language (possibly unified on the level of an entire reign, but with a “vocabulary” which depends on the species’ evolution degree) is a very significant consequence of the implementation of the IPS generic model.

As for the language, mostly regarding the natural language and the association of semantic values to some syntactic values within this language, this topic shall be also depicted in the following chapter as well as in the annexes. Momentarily, we are only interested in finding how and who makes the association of semantic values within the internal ISS classes.

65 Such as the viruses for the intracellular IPS or the books and other external information storage means for the human IPS

66 The reader is invited to observe the difference between the objectual philosophy and the traditional approach on the syntactic structure of numbers. In the paper herein, the digit zero is a marker (symbol) of the non-existence of an abstract object, but at the same time, it is an indicator of the existence of a reserved but vacant domain (abstract container) for that object.

67 The dependence relation between the qualitative value (position within a structure) and the quantitative value of the element which is placed on that position is very obvious at the social structures. For example, within a political structure (a government, for instance), there are defined positions which have a finite number being strictly arranged into a certain hierarchical order. These positions may be vacant or not. If they are not vacant, the element which is placed on a certain position shall also receive the corresponding quantitative attributes (salary, power of decision etc.) in proportion to the running number of its place within the hierarchy.

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