Objectual Philosophy


1.1 Hierarchy of the known forms of matter existence

If we shall analyze the known forms of matter existence, from the level of “elementary” particles up to the galaxy clusters, it is worth mentioning, as a general feature, the unevenness of the space distribution of this matter. Thus, it is obvious the matter tendency of becoming “crowded” in quasi-independent units but which interact each other, these units being formed as a result of the association of other smaller units, with a less complex hierarchical level, which are also made-up from other units, so on.

The most appropriate way of defining this structure is the one which use the system concept, for the start, with the meaning which is generally accepted nowadays, that is sufficient for the scope of this chapter. It is worth reminding that the system is a collection of objects (either real or abstract) with functional bonds deployed between them. The system concept implies the possibility of its decomposition in more simple parts (subsystems), whose the most simple ones are known as elements of the system.

Because we are dealing with the matter’s existence forms, “the objects” of the material systems are even the units where the matter arise from, therefore, they are material objects. For simplification purposes, we shall focus first only on the series of abiotic systems which are called natural abiotic material systems (NAMS) in order to differentiate them from the artificial abiotic material systems (AAMS) which have additional formation criteria, as compared to the natural ones.

Taking into consideration the knowledge gathered by the mankind so far, we can make a list of the hierarchical organization levels of NAMS, obviously with the explanation that it is not and it does not intend to be exhaustive, its exclusive intention being only to emphasize some of the organization levels known by now, some of the levels being deliberately excluded due to simplicity reasons. For the purpose of this section, the relevant meaning, we shall see later, is only the beginning and the end of the list.

Next, we shall present the list in ascending order of the space dimensions and of the structural level:

- EP (electrically-charged particles);

- NC (nucleus);

- AT (atoms);

- MO (molecules);

- NM (natural media: solids, liquids, gases, etc.);

- AB (astronomic bodies: stars, planets, satellites, etc.);

- PS (planetary systems: star-planets system);

- GX (galaxies);

- GC (galaxy clusters);

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